What is an Integrative Health Coach? Eating well is eating well. But LIVING healthy is a whole lot more.
This is an update of a previous post by the same name What is a Health Coach?
I was speaking with a few of my colleagues recently abut the question we are most frequently asked. Now ‘what’s the healthiest way to eat?’ or ‘How can I feel less stressed?’.
The question we get asked most often is this:
What is a Health Coach?
How does health coaching work?
Or just as often…
What exactly is it that you do?
These are all very good questions, and it was not that long ago I would not have been able to answer them either. Because health coaching is a framework different from other medical, health, and wellness professionals. So what is a health coach?
What a Health Coach Is Not
It can be helpful for some to first understand what a Health Coach is NOT.
We are not here to treat or diagnose you. There are other professionals to do that and they do it very well. We are not here to tell you what you have to do, or prescribe you a specific diet or exercise plan. It’s also not our role to tell you to quit your job, leave your partner, or ditch all your favourites foods. A Health Coach is not going to judge your life, or criticize your choices.
What a Health Coach Is
As a Health Coach, I help people improve their lives, by working with them one-on-one or in groups. Starting with the area they are in need of the most support. That might be food. It might be stress. Or overload and overwhelm. For some people it involves identifying and removing excess and clutter. Addressing career and personal relationships. All of these areas impact your health and well-being. What makes every situation individual is what is impacting you the most, right now.
What is a Health Coach?
A Health Coach helps people improve their lives by working with them one-on-one and starting in the area of their life they are in need of the most support.
This includes areas such as food, stress, relationships, mindset, and career.
Health Coaches are goal based guides. We are not going to start by looking for a problem. Instead, we focus on the goals. What do you want your idea life to look like? What does healthy look like for you? Where do you want to see yourself in 12 months? In five years?
The Wellness Problem
Many of the people I work with say they are ‘tired of being tired’. They want to feel more energy. Have more motivation to make the changes they know will take them in the right direction. They want to STOP feeling overwhelmed and overloaded from the moment they wake up in the morning. They want to feel strong and resilient when life throws them challenges – because it always does. They want to be able to get rid of that feeling of guilt they carry around, because they can’t do everything. They want all this so they can preform their best in their career while being present for the people that matter the most. They want to have fun, be happy, feel joyful.
They want simplicity. They want it now.
Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches
Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches (like me!) address all of these topics, from food, to stress, to finances, to relationships, to career with a term called Bio-individually (more on that HERE). it’s a pretty simple concept really – we all have individual and unique food and lifestyle needs. So although we might have the same goals of a simpler happier life – the path will look different for everyone. In example, two people looking to loose some excess weight. With one person we might be discussing food habits and deconstructing food cravings. With the second person, we might be diving into the unmanageable stress caused by career expectations. Different paths towards a healthy lifestyle.
As a health Coach, we’re a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage. A guide in making positive, health-promoting food and lifestyle changes. To help you find the right path on your journey. Support you to sift through the noise and find a simple approach to your own best health, best self. Your well-being.
Health coaching differs from many other health services as an interactive process. It’s all about setting goals, taking action, personal accountability, and follow through. Health coaching tends to be more program based. Individuals meet with their coaches regularly over a period of time. This can occur online or in person. Not a one-off visit to receive a diagnosis, treatment, and prescription.

It’s a compliment, not an alternative
An important distinction; health coaching is not a replacement for doctors or other health and medical specialists. It’s a complement to health care services, adding further value. We have a scope of practice that directs what we do and what we don’t do. Health coaching can be either a stand alone health and wellness service, as well as a valued complement to other health and medical services.
From my experience, Health Coaching can be an asset to other forms of treatment or health practices. A coach can work beside you to achieve your goals. Think of it this way; a doctor might tell you that you need to remove a certain food from your diet, but you’re not sure where to start. A physiotherapist might have found the treatment that will heal your back pain, but you are struggling to find the energy and motivation to consistently engage with the treatment. When you feel what you need is support, guidance, and accountability. When you need… a coach!
Or as I like to think of it – when you know you are not feeling your best. When you are not performing your best, at home or at work. Just getting by is not enough anymore. You have decided that being and feeling your best is a priority, and you want to take action. Maybe you’re not sure where to start, or don’t know why you have not been able to work it out on your own.
Simple, but not easy
Now, this is the part where people usually say to me ‘but Kris is it really that simple? And if it is why would I need to hire a health coach?’ My answer is yes… and no. Yes, it is pretty simple; a health coach talks to you about you. That’s it. But finding your solution and implementing it sustainably might be simple, but it’s not always easy. Often we touch on topics that can be quite confronting. Possibly addressing issues that cause discomfort. Or challenging some long-held belief about nutrition, diet, and lifestyle.
I also get asked ‘isn’t this a conversations I could have with a supportive friend or family member?’ Again a very good point! And yes, of course, you can! Where a coach is different is in that we come into every relationship with something called a beginners mind. We approach your life in every conversation without judgement or preconceived ideas.
Friends and family are amazing, and the support they provide is essential. Because they love you, they have an invested interest in your best outcome. It can cloud their judgement. Which is not necessarily bad, but it is less objective. Health coaches are able to hold a safe space, and continuously reflect back to YOUR goals. Not anyone else’s.

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I bring to the coaching relationship:
A Beginners Mind
I come into the relationship without any preconceived ideas or judgement.
I hold a Safe Space
Always holding a calming and non-judgmental attitude through every session and interaction
A Goal-Based Guide
I continuously hold up my client’s goals for them to see and focus on.
Furthermore, we’re not here to compete with Google. We are in the business of transformations, not information. Well, of course, we do know quite a bit about dietary theory – because what you eat does change everything. As a health coach, I am here to support you through to the process of change. To work beside you. to guide you through the transformation to become your best self.
Transformation not Information
As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach I specifically;
I work with women who are tried of being tired. To simplify their life and improve their energy, motivation, and resilience.
So they can..
Stop feeling stressed,anxious, overloaded, and overwhelmed from the moment they wake up in the morning;
Remove the excess and clutter. From their homes, from their inbox, and from their lives. To find them the time to prioritize their own health and wellness.
Get rid of the guilt for not getting it all done or not finding balance, and be more present with family and friends.
Have clearer thoughts, better focus, and feel more resilient in their mental health and well-being.
And to do so, simply.
The entire coaching program is based on your individual needs. I meet you were you’re at, and we base our work together on where you want to be. There is no cookie-cutter approach, or curriculum to walk you through.

Are you interested in learning more about inflammation? And the dietary changes that can aid in the decrease of chronic inflammation, and improve gut health? Get the free guide [click on the image above].
So what's 'The Answer'?
At times I do come across people who want me to tell them what the answer is. The secret to health! Or to weight loss. Or reducing stress and overwhelm. The quick fix for more energy and motivation. They want me to give them a list or a guide or a meal plan that's going to fix everything, and fix it right away. And in all honestly I understand because life would be a lot easier if that existed! This is precisely what makes health coaching different.
As individuals we all have different goals, that are specific to our lives. We all also have different starting points. As a health coach I meet you where you're at. I will not tell you what your goals should be. However, I will help you find clarity and hold you accountable for decisions and actions toward your healthy lifestyle. For more on what a healthy lifestyle means, have a read of this post.
The relationships in your life that matter. Your family. How you feel in your career. The ability you have to be as physically active as you need to be, in the way you need to be. Personal needs for intimacy being met. Financial security. Travel. Spending time outdoors. Eating the foods that fuel you… and the enjoyment of eating that food, with others. Having a sense of purpose. Feeling joy. Today. Everyday. These are the ‘things’ that are your physical, mental, and emotional health.
What's your health and wellbeing story?
I would love to hear your story! Because I’m passionate about helping high performing women like yourself. To simplify your world and improve your energy and motivation.
I know from experience that it can be hard to get started. Which is why I would like to offer you The Well-being Roadmap. This is a free one-hour long conversation with me, about you. The purpose of the conversation is to help you find your starting point. To simplify your world, to improve your health and well-being, to allow you to perform at your best. We can also see if health coaching is the right fit for you. There is no obligation to continue past this commitment-free conversation. When we are done you will have your Roadmap and be on your way to wellbeing, simply.
Eating well is eating well. Being healthy is a whole lot more. No one diet or lifestyle works for everyone. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach I can guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. Book your free no-obligation call right now, and let's get started!