It’s everywhere.
According to the internet, social media, and every social gathering of the holiday season, it is time to reflect on the past year and dedicate a list of goals and resolutions for the year to come. And as with any aspiration for change, it frequently comes down to “What could have been better this year, and how can I make it better next year?”
The short answer? Yes, absolutely! A spotlight on the year just past is an excellent place to start when we are setting goals and resolutions for the year to come. But focusing on our mistakes might not be the best way to achieve these goals. Read on to find out how to reflect on the year that is drawing to a close in a way that will help you smash your goals for 2018.
Focus on the wins, not the failures
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Focus On The Wins
At the end of December when we start to reflect on the past year and what we have achieved, the tendency is often to focus on all the goals not met that year, the failures, and the outcomes that were less than desirable. We think about what we did wrong, how we can own those decisions, and what to do better the next year when we all start fresh in January.
But maybe we shouldn’t. Perhaps, instead of being fixated on a solution focused attitude, we need to put all the problems aside. To allow ourselves to celebrate the wins, even the small ones.
Why? And how is this different? Directing your energy and focus towards everything that did not work in your life, in your business, in your family keeps the focus there in the failure. What did not work becomes your bar for a change, for your new direction. You have set your sights low, and you are trying to move away from failure.
Unless instead, you shift your focus to what worked. Don’t make a list of resolutions based on what you want to change; try to make a record of the wins. All of them, big and small. What worked? Could it work again?
Think of it this way; instead of saying ‘my family will STOP eating fast food and make more time for healthy eating’ try as a substitute ‘my family loved that healthy recipe I found online, it was easy and inexpensive to make – I will resolve to find and use more like it.”
Can you see the difference?
This slight change in thinking when approaching your new year’s resolution not only makes you feel a lot more successful for the past year, but you are also a lot more likely to achieve your goals when focused on what has worked instead of what did not work.
If you would like to make a resolution for healthier living in 2018, pop your details below to learn more about our Healthy Living Kickstart!
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