In A Winter Slump? 10 Tips To Get Your Mojo Back
I don’t know about you, but this winter has been long. Loooooong. The days are shorter, and the sunshine is sparser. A few too many weekends spent inside, not enough exercise, and a cold and flu through the household and suddenly it has been days or even weeks since you put any real effort into your home business.

The confident, positive mindset you had worked so hard to cultivate and the momentum it created seem far out of reach. You start to question your decisions for getting started in a home business in the first place…
Well, that stops here! Mindset, motivation, and or course mojo. They are the keys being successful, but necessary to get fulfilment from your business. For it to be your passion and not just your job. If you are reading this, and it resonates with you, then it is time to get out of that slump and get your mojo back. There is no time like right now, to get back into it. Not tomorrow, and not on Monday. Now. Today.
10 Tips to beat the winter slump and get your mojo back
1. Establish a go-to for inspiration
You need to start somewhere, and often it is just about getting your mood and mindset back. Find something that inspires you personally. It might be a TED talk, a podcast, and Facebook live, a YouTube clip. Some music that pumps you up, a piece of writing that propels you into action. The key is that it is easily accessible when you need it. Saved on your phone, or someplace you access daily. Use your go-to for inspiration whenever you need to focus or elevate your mindset. It might even become part of your daily routine.
2. Revisit your WHY
Why are you doing this? What started you on this journey? What are the benefits you gain from your business? What do you lose without it?
These question will bring you back to your original motivation for starting your business, and the inspiration to chase your dreams. The reason why you decided to change your life to be one that fulfils you. To re-visit what got you started is an excellent reminder of why you should continue.
3. Make a plan
You might be a list-ticky box person, a mind mapper, a vision board – whatever you do, map out what you are going to do in specific actions steps to get you back on track. Make sure it is as precise and measurable as possible. For example;
Not a specific plan – I will build my network by talking to more people.
A specific plan – For the next 30 days I will reach out to five new people daily to expand my network.
4. Start or re-start a routine

Few things are as time-consuming as starting over – every day. AND – you don’t want to be having a battle with yourself every single day until you are back in the swing of things. A good morning routine can set you up with a better mindset to last you through the day, as well as help you focus on the things that need to get done to get you back on track.
5. Find yourself an accountability partner
Goals to get you back on track are significantly more likely to be achieved if they are shared with someone who will hold you accountable. This person could be a mentor or coach, or someone else involved in your business. Alternatively, your accountability partner could be a friend or colleague who has similar professional goals; they might have the same accountability needs! Set measurable goals with completion times and hold each other accountable.
6. Surround yourself with positivity and positive people – BOTH on and offline
We hear things like we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Well for me two of those people are under the age of 4, plus all their mates…. So we might have to be a bit flexible on the details! But you know what I mean. If you need to be pulled up, be around people who pull you up.
7. Practice gratitude
When looking to reset your mindset and get your mojo back, take time every day to focus on gratitude. Spend some time every day, a maximum of 5-10 minutes while you are getting back on track. If you are a writer or journaler, do that. Meditate. Just so long as you dedicate that time to concentrate on what you are grateful for, it will elevate your mood.
8. Get a bit of exercise

Go for a walk to clear your head. Stand up and do some jumping jacks. Do some simple body weight resistance exercise – like a push-up. With the endorphins created by physical activity, even small amounts of exercise will elevate your mood and sharpen your focus. For even better results get outside, and if possible spend some time exercising in nature.
9. Take action
Most of this has been planning and preparation. Which is fantastic. But don’t hide behind it. Imperfect action TAKEN is always better than perfect action never taken.
My tip – start with the lurker on your to-do list. Smash it out. It will elevate your mood and give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Everything else will be a breeze.
10. Celebrate what you have accomplished so far
Revisit your past successes. Look back on where you were six months ago, a year ago, two years ago. While the last couple of weeks might have felt like sliding backwards, keeping the perspective that it was only a slight set back in the larger picture.
And remember – you’ve got this.
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