Today, I had the pleasure of enjoying a coffee, on my own, in the sunshine. While doing so, I was listing to a podcast that asked an interesting question;
Instead of wondering where and when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life we don’t need a vacation from?

That, I found to be a fascinating way to look at it.
But it is true if you think about it. We construct our lives, and we build them to what they are today. We decide what our goals are, who we are going to become, and what we are going to get.
No one hands you the life you have, it’s a process, and your life is an exact reflection of your choices.
And here was the kicker – if you want a different life, you need only to make different choices.
I know, sounds simple, right?
But I don’t know what choices to make.
Then let me ask you this. If you would like to have a life that you don’t need to take a vacation from – what would it look like?
What do you love?
For many people (me too for a long time!) the automatic response is;
‘You can’t make money from that.’
Stop asking yourself what you what could make a lot of money. That is not the answer.
Start asking yourself ‘what would you enjoy?’

What would your life look like, for you to not feel like you need to escape?
What would you do, regardless of if you were getting paid or not?
What do you wish you could be doing?
What gives you energy?
What makes you push through?
What fills you with joy at the end of the day?
I guarantee the answers to these questions are neither success or money.
What is stopping you?
For me it was fear. I was scared. Scared of what other people would think. Of loosing an assured paycheque.
Of change.
Digging a little bit deeper, I was afraid of failing. Very afraid.
But I have responsibilities; there is no way to have a life of joy and earn an income; I am sacrificing today for the future…..
What I can tell you is this – if you look for reasons why something will not work, you will always find them.

Just imagine for a moment what that would look like, doing something that brings you joy. Every day. Not something you escaped to, but something you could pour yourself into, every day. No one is going to give it to you, but you can still have it. You need to build it.
What next? If this is you, then go out and figure out what it is you want to do. And have the courage to build that life.
It took me a long time to find the courage and to make some significant changes.
My only regret is that I did not start sooner 😉
What brings you joy?

My story: just over a year ago, I made the decision to break from convention. Instead of returning to work after having my second child, I decided to start a home-based business that was entirely online. Coaching others to do the same had become a place where I can share my passion, my energy, and my joy.
It has brought my family happiness.
If you would like to learn more, to see if this path might be the right fit for you, please fill out the contact form below!