Healthy Lifestyle. It’s not just about what you eat.
When you think about a healthy lifestyle, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
For some, it might be the perfect kale salad. For other’s it sugar-free baked goods and healthy snacks. Or maybe a myriad of dairy-free options for your morning coffee.

For me, it was images of farmers markets and kids eating plate-fulls of greens. So just another day in paradise, indeed.
Instagram has taken the healthy eating movement to the next level. Healthy eating now has a ‘look.’ Beautifully prepared and stunningly photographed, the food is quite literally a work of art.

Works of art that may seem unattainable for some people. A lot of people. Me. There is an element of perfection to it, that while inspiring to some, can have the opposite effect on others. The beauty and refinement of the healthy eating movement can make it seem elite and out of reach for the average time poor parent.
There are arguments I could make about this style of representing healthy eating, that it accomplishes the opposite of its intent; it actually makes eating health seem difficult, complicated, and entirely out of reach.
It also likens this food perfection to being healthy. Not just in the images. But in the restriction of it. No sugar, no grains, no dairy, no nuts, no legumes, no gluten, no soy….. in addition to removing processed and pre-packaged foods from our diet. Suddenly to eat well and be healthy is even more difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to prepare.

And for parents…
For parents, this can cause a lot of stress and guilt. Parents who do not have the time, resources, or skills to make everything from scratch must navigate the healthy pre-made options in the grocery store, which can be expensive (and often not as healthy as advertised). What is in our child’s lunchbox, or served at playdates and birthday parties are seen as ways to judge how much importance we as parents place on our child’s health.
And quite frankly, it is b@#$s#%t.
I noticed this when I started posting about our families journey to reduce sugar and processed foods. Although this was my family’s journey, I have had many parents apologize to me, or comment they are ‘not healthy like you are.’
Here is what I have to say to those parents, who think they need to meet a certain standard;
It’s not the food that makes a healthy lifestyle. Not on its own. Food is fuel for the body. When we fuel our body with foods that assist it to function at its peak, this enables us to do the things we love, with the people we love.

This month’s download is The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Guide.
Discover the foods that can assist in the reduction of inflammation, plus a few delicious recipes to get you started!
Food by itself doesn’t fill you with passion and purpose, it doesn’t drive you forward to go after your goals.

It’s not the food that makes you WANT to be healthy.
Think of it this way – do you want to eat healthier because you love vegetables?
Or maybe it’s because a diet that includes the right mix of healthy foods for you will give you the physical nourishment you need to do all the things you truly love. To be with the people you love. To live the life you love. That fills you with passion and purpose. That drives you forward.
But if food is secondary, what is primary?
For many people, eating healthy is not the real goal. It’s BEING healthy.
If health is defined as not the absence of disease or illness, but as a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being – it’s going to take a lot more then kale and broccoli to cover it.
Eating well is eating well. But being healthy is a whole lot more.
Have you ever felt like the food you eat is healthy – but still don’t feel your best? Like you’re not sick, but not feeling nourished either?
It might be because health is not just about what you eat. Not primarily. A healthy lifestyle is about all of those other things that give your life purpose, that make you want to be healthy.
Those ‘other’ things, those non-food elements of health – what are they?
A better question might be- what matters? To you?
The relationships in your life that matter. Your family. How you feel in your career. Your ability to be as physically active as you need to be, in the way you need to be. Your needs for intimacy being met. Financial security. Travel. Spending time outdoors. Eating the foods that fuel you… and the enjoyment of eating that food, with others. Having a sense of purpose. Feeling joy. Today. Everyday. These are the ‘things’ that are your physical, mental, and emotional health.
All The Things that are truly important. Not the kale.
Now think about that question again – if food is secondary, what is primary? What is fundamental for you?
Health. It is not just about what you eat. Not at all. Food fuels you and fills you with the nourishment necessary to fully participate in your life, in what you value, in what fills you with passion and purpose.

So if your dinner table does not look like belongs on Instagram (or heck, if you are like me, and your Instagram doesn’t look like it belongs on Instagram!), if you don’t make everything from scratch, and if you don’t eat salad every single day; I am going to let you in on a little secret:
These are not the keys to a healthy lifestyle. And they are absolutely not the secret to a life of joy.
Is eating well important? Of course, it is. And it is going to get more critical. But when thinking about the keys to health, food is less the key to the house, and more a key on a piano. A key that needs to be in tune with the others if they are to play beautiful music together.
What is the secret to a healthy lifestyle? It’s not about being perfect. It’s about finding what’s perfect for you.
How do you find what’s perfect for you? If you think you need a little help, an Integrative Health Coach might be the ideal fit. I have learned on my journey to becoming a Health Coach that everyone is unique, as is every health journey. Often having a guide on the side to help navigate your individual journey is the answer to achieving and sustaining success.
If you would like to know more about health coaching, if it is something you could benefit from, and possibly work with me for free (yes free!), check out the link below and let’s have a chat!