Unlock Your Potential: 10 Science-Based Nutrition Tips for Adventurers, Athletes, and Active People & Common Mistakes to Avoid.

Adventure Nutrition

Empowering active lifestyles with personalized nutrition plans for peak performance, optimal health, and unstoppable success.

Let's talk about how nutrition can make you feel good while performing better.

Adventure Nutritionist

Our nutrition services are designed for adventurers, athletes, and active people looking to optimize their physical health and performance with Evidence-Based Nutrition Support & Coaching. Our mission is to cut through the noise and provide you with a personalized, easy-to-follow, and scientifically-proven approach to nutrition. 

Adventure Nutrition: Fuel for Trails

Do I need protein powder?

Do I need protein powder?

Navigating the Maze of Nutrition Misinformation

Navigating the Maze of Nutrition Misinformation

Travelling for Work or Pleasure? Here's How to Maintain Your Fitness Routine

Travelling for Work or Pleasure? Here's How to Maintain Your Fitness Routine

10 Nutrition Mistakes You Might Be Making

Unlock Your Potential: Science-Based Nutrition Insights & Common Mistakes You Might Be Making to Optimize Your Health & Athletic Performance

For more about Nutrition Services and packages jump to the next page >> Nutrition Services

Feel great and perform better with a nutrition plan you can sustain.

Click the button below to get into my calendar and book a time to talk about nutrition, or refer someone on this exciting adventure.

Follow Adventure Nutritionist

sitting on top of Mt Townsend

a story of adventure

why adventure nutrition?

My name is Kris, and I'm a Nutritionist, coach, educator, and lifelong outdoor adventurer.

At the time of this photo, I led a 30-day multi-disciplinary expedition, including the second highest point in mainland Australia, Mt Townsend, in the Great Diving Range in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW.

At this point in my career...  >>READ MORE

Unlock Your Potential: 10 Science-Based Nutrition Tips for Adventurers, Athletes, and Active People & Common Mistakes to Avoid.

"Adventurers, athletes, exercisers, movers and other active people exist on a spectrum, with different goals, lifestyles, and level of intensity to which they participate in their chosen adventure.
This is why no two nutrition plans are the same for fueling adventure."

- Kristine Peter, Adventure Nutritionist

For more about Nutrition Services and packages jump to Adventure Nutrition >> Services 

our story

Kristine Peter, Nutritionist and Adventurer 

Kristine Peter, MEd, Nutritionist 

Registered and Accredited Nutritionist, Sports Nutrition Advisor, Outdoor Adventurer and Educator, and Food and Nutrition Education. 

From packing trail food to conducting dietary analysis, Kristine has experienced first hand the different components of adventure and performance nutrition ... >> READ MORE

core values

This is Adventure Nutrition

What Adventure Nutrition is and the values we stand for

Personalised Nutrition 

Every person is complete and complex and requires an individualised food and nutrition plan to meet their needs, and continuously adapts and adjusts based on what's really happening in their life. No two people have the same nutrition plan.

Movement Nutrition 

Active people exist in a spectrum, with different goals, lifestyles, and level of intensity to which they choose to participate in their adventure. The role of nutrition is to fuel and enhance preformance and support recovery at all level of the spectrum of movement and exercise. 

Evidence Based Nutrition

All food and dietary recommendations are based on an understanding of the larger body of scientific literature, along with professional standards and best practice techniques. Evidence in nutrition does not come from personal experience, however that experience is instrumental in supporting individuals to implement changes sustainably. 

Client Driven Nutrition

Fueling adventure must fit into your lifestyle and meet your needs. Personal preference, time, interest, cooking skills are all factors driven by you to create your nutrition plan that best supports training,  performance, and recovery goals. 

Get a free, no obligation initial consultation

We specialise in meeting your individual food, training , and lifestyle needs through peronalised nutrition  strategies, to ensure you are feeling and preforming your best on your next adventure, event, or challenge.

During the free initial consultation we will discuss your nutrition needs and establish if working with an adventure nutritionist is the right fit for you.

the team

Kristine Peter, Nutritionist & Adventurer 

Would you like to learn more about nutrition for movement, exercise, or your next adventure? 

Reach out at nutritionist@kristinepeter.com

Kristine Peter

Nutritionist Educator Coach Adventurer.

Connect with me

Book a free, no obligation consultation

Speak with a Nutritionist and learn how creating a personalised nutrition plan can enhance both your  performance  and enjoyment of your next adventure.

Areas covered

Nutrition coaching and support 

Meal planning

Sports & movement nutrition education 

1:1 support 

Online courses and programs


Nutrition plans for increasing physical activity levels

Training nutrition plan

Event, challenge, and hiking food and nutrition strategies

Dietary analysis 

Unlock Your Potential: 10 Science-Based Nutrition Tips for Adventurers, Athletes, and Active People & Common Mistakes to Avoid.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use my private medical insurance?

Yes! You may be able to claim for services provided by a university qualified Nutritionist such as myself through your private health fund.

Make sure you check with your individual health fund to see if you are covered.

This is a list of the private medical insurers I have provider numbers for:

  • AHM
  • ARHG - Australian Regional Health Group
  • CUA Health Limited
  • HBF
  • Latrobe Health Services
  • MDHF - Mildura Health Fund
  • Phoenix Health  Fund
  • St. Luke's Health
  • Westfund Health Insurance
  • HCA - Healthcare Australia
  • QCH - Queensland Country Health Fund
  • Australian Unity 
  • Medibank Private
  • NIB

Who do you work with?

My Adventure Nutrition coaching program is for anyone who has taken on the challenge of increasing their physical activity level. You might be training for your first 5k, taking your sport to the next level with an ultra, or planning a thru-hike or multi day event.

Or, maybe you've decided to take up a new active hobby that gets you out on regular shorter adventures. 

When both training for an event of taking up a new active hobby your body experiences a change in it's energy needs, which mean you will need to change the way you eat. 

In part, you will need to ensure you are adequately fueled for your activity. But you will also need to make sure you are micro and macro nutrients you need to support your performance and maintain or build muscle. 

The best way to find out if nutrition coaching with a Nutritionist is the right fit for you is to book an introductory call. It's free, because it's important to make sure any professional you work with is the right fit for you and your goals. 

You can book your free introductory call here >> BOOK NOW

How is Adventure Nutrition different from regular nutrition?

Adventure Nutrition is a term I use to help identify who might be a good for for my nutrition services.

I use the principles of sports nutrition and adapt it to non-traditional sports and activity that don't fit the standard training mold, like hiking, distance walking, fast-packing, ultra running, mountain biking.... any many more. While the details of the activity matter, so do you and the way you participate in it.

This is why all of my services are founded in personalised nutrition practices. 

Standard sports nutrition tends to focus on high performance athletes. I cringe every time I see 'do like the pros do' because it's not helpful or useful advice. 

While the principles of sport and movement nutrition apply to anyone with an active lifestyle (or goals of an active lifestyle!) in practice they are not the same for everyone.

A professional athlete or person training for the Olympics will have access to different resources, as well as training time, then someone who works full time and has decided to take up running or plan a distance hike. 

Adventure Nutrition is personalised and movement nutrition that acknowledges all active people exist on a spectrum with different goals, lifestyles, and level of participation intensity. 

The goal of nutrition for activity and movement at any level is to fuel and enhance performance and promote recovery. 

Using these individualised coaching strategies gives my clients everything they need (nutritionally!) to feel their best and preform their best, regardless of what the activity is or other competing factors such as career, family, and lifestyle. 

Every person is both complete and complex, and requires their own food and nutrition plan to meet their activity and movement needs. 

Are your services virtual?

I provide virtual services using a private Telehealth platform so my clients can meet where they are most comfortable, and fir it into a busy schedule. This increases the flexibility I can provide clients regarding timing and frequency of appointments.

My clients often book during lunch or break times at work, after hours, or at times that suit their schedules. 

The only technological requirement is a smartphone, tablet, or computer connected to the internet. 

In person 1:1 services may be available depending on circumstances and location. Please book a connection call to discuss this further.

In person facilitation is available for corporate and group training and workshops. 

Do you offer workshops, training, or other corporate programs?

Yes! I offer nutrition workshops and individual coaching for corporate clients and organizations. These services can be delivered online or in person, or a combination of the two.

Programs are tailored to meet the need of the clients. Some examples include;

  • Workplace Wellness Program
  • Lunchtime Learning Workshops
  • Nutrition and Wellness Coaching

Workshop and program topics are identified to meet the needs of the clients. Some popular nutrition topics include:

  • Nutrition to Support Optimal Immunity
  • Nutrition for Optimal Health for Busy Leaders
  • Nutrition to Support Mental Health & Wellbeing  
  • How to Build Nutrition & Food Habits 
  • Nutrition to Support Optimal Metabolism 
  • Nutrition for Brain Health 
  • Myths  & Facts in Nutrition 
  • Nutrition 101 Back to Basics
  • Building a Healthy Kitchen
  • Mindful Eating
  • Transitioning to a Plant Based Diet 
  • Nutrition to Support Optimal Fitness 
  • Fight Inflammation: The Power of Food 
  • Family Nutrition & Mealtime Strategies 
  • Nutrition & Heart Health
  • Supporting Gut Health with Food & Nutrition 

If you think your workplace or organization might benefit from nutrition and wellness workshops or support, please book a connection call. 

Book a Connection Call Here 

How do your 1:1 Nutrition Counselling services work?

My 1:1 Nutrition coaching program is designed to meet you where you're at and get you on a sustainable path towards your food and nutrition goals. 

I use a secure and private telehealth platform to provide virtual services you can access from wherever is most comfortable for you. That might be at home, at the office, or from a local coffee shop - whatever works for you.

I don't use diets or restrictive meal plans as they don't lead to lasting success or a healthy relationship with food. Instead I use a habit based approach to support you to make sustainable nutrition changes based on your goals. 

Different packages are available, starting at a minimum of 3 months in duration. I don't offer on-off appointments as in my experience, lasting change is not achieved after only one session. 

All nutrition counselling programs include:

  • Nutrition counselling via telehealth 
  • Online client platform with private messaging app to communicate between appointments 
  • Nutrition education materials and courses to supplement and enhance our counselling sessions and enhance your learning 
  • Individualized meal planning and food prep resources (if desired)
  • Culinary education and kitchen skills 
  • And so much more!

Get the one page download about nutrition counselling services here. 

What is the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian?

What is the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian?

A nutritionist is a person who provides advice on matters relating to food and how it impacts health. 

Nutritionists can design, coordinate, implement and evaluate individual and population health interventions designed to improve health and wellbeing through food and nutrition. Nutritionists may also work in various other occupations, including research, as nutrition consultants in public health or in industry as nutrition communicators and food technologists.

A nutritionist is not qualified to provide medical advice or medical nutrition therapy. That is the role of a dietitian. A dietitian holds qualifications that allow them to prescribe dietary treatment for medical conditions. 

In Australia, there is no legal protection over the title 'nutritionist', which means that anyone can call themselves a nutritionist even if they do not have proper qualifications. The Nutrition Society of Australia has a voluntary registration system for nutritionists  to protect the nutrition profession. Applicants undergo a rigorous assessment to confirm their qualifications and experience before registration is granted.

I am a full financial member of the Nutrition Society of Australia and maintain my registration as Associate Nutritionist. 

Additionally, many nutritionists like myself apply for accreditation through an external governing body (separate from where they received their training and education) to ensure they meet the highest standard for operating in private practice. This accreditation is an additional rigorous assessment of all education, skills, training, and experience to determine eligibility for accreditation and registration. 

This accreditation also requires ongoing professional development, first aid training, and adequate insurance. 

As an Accredited Nutritionist and natural therapy practitioner, I have provider numbers to enable our clients to claim nutrition services with private health funds. For a complete list of provers, please see the section titled 'can I use my private medical insurance?' 

A nutritionist's scope of practice depends on their education, skills, and training and the organization's requirements to which they are registered and accredited. The Health Practitioners Professional Indemnity  Public & Product Liability recognizes this scope of practice; all nutritionists in private practice must carry insurance. 

As a registered and accredited nutritionist and natural therapy practitioner, it is within my scope of practice to:

  • Design individualized food and nutrition interventions to support health and meet nutrition goals
  • Analyze dietary intake and make recommendations to achieve health goals
  • Provide nutrition and dietary education to individuals and groups
  • Provide advice and guidance on the use of nutritional supplements 
  • Work with clients on an individual or group level to provide dietary advice and support a lasting dietary change to support health and wellbeing.

Nutritionists also might have additional qualifications and experience to aid in the type of nutrition services they provide. In my case, I have a Master's degree in education, in which I focused on nutrition education (MEd Nutrition)., in addition to my qualification in nutrition science. This skill set complements my approach to nutritional therapy and dietary change, as my area of focus is how to best support people to make changes that stick. This approach draws heavily on my background in education, as well as my knowledge of nutrition science. 

Working with adventurers and recreators, outdoor athletes, and those taking on a challenge event, I have additional qualifications and experience that are not considered the norm in the nutrition and dietetics profession.

I have an honours bachelor (HonsBA) in Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism. As part of this degree, I studied expedition management, experiential education, the psychology of adventure and recreation pursuits, and professional-level risk management and safety procedures.

But those topics are not nutrition science; how are they relevant? That's correct; that field of study is not food and dietary education. However, they are all essential and relevant when supporting an individual at any level who is talking on a wilderness challenge or increasing their physical activity level to participate in an outdoor adventure.

A critical difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian is that an RD, like a medical doctor, has a standardised education and qualifications, which is essential when providing medical nutrition therapy, the primary role of an RD.

A nutritionist might have a more varied background. However, the idea that this means we do not hold a regulated standard is a misconception. University-qualified Nutritionists like myself might choose to be registered and accredited. To do so, we must meet the standards held by our registering and accrediting body and the private health funds that supply our provider numbers and stick to our education and experience to maintain our insurance coverage.

In summary, Nutritionists cannot provide medical advice or medical nutrition therapy; that is the role of a Registered Dietitian. 

When considering working with a nutritionist, ask questions about their qualifications, scope of practice, and whether they can provide you with provider numbers for private health funds. This practice is both appropriate and advised. 

For more information about working with me, book a free 30-minute consultation here, and I can answer any additional questions. 

Do you offer meal planning services?

Yes! The Meal Planning Solution is a personalized meal plan offered on an online platform. Together we set up the details of what you want in your meal plan, to meet your goals, as well as your preferences and cooking style.

The meal plan will be a personalized menu that includes recipes, nutritional information, and a shopping list.  

Once we set the targets and objectives of your menu, you will have complete access to the digital platform. You can add or remove meals  or modify your menu to suit your plans for the week. 

The menus can be placed on a six week rotation, with few recipes every week. This helps ensure no one gets bored with the menu! But favourite recipes can be saved and repeated if desired. 

Menu's can also be designed to include weekend meal prep and the inclusion of left overs. 

Book a free 30 minute consultation and we can discuss  meal planning and see if it would meet your needs. 

Do you provide nutrition coaching for athletes training for an event?

Yes! I'm a qualified Sport Nutrition Advisor and I work with people training for challenge events, distance hikes or walks,  or increasing their physical activity level. It might be an event you're training for like Parkrun, Trail Series, or an Ultra. Or getting back into a sport or activity you haven't done in a few years. 

Whatever the reason a change in activity level should be supported by the food you eat. While preparing for a big event like an endurance sport, your nutrition leading up to the event can be as important as  what and when you eat on the day of. 

Together we can build a plan that suits your training goals. 

Book a free 30 minute consultation and we can discuss your training needs. 

What are your qualifications?

My professional title is Nutritionist. 

I'm a registered and accredited nutritionist, and natural therapy practitioner. 

I also have a master's degree in education, in which I specialized in nutrition education. 

Additional non-university qualifications include Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), Sports Nutrition Advisor (Nutrition Council of Australia),  and Nutrition for Athletes (Precision Nutrition). 

Professional Registrations

  • Registered Associate Nutritionist, Nutrition Society of Australia 

Registration No: 1006067

  • Accredited Nutritionist & Natural Therapy Practitioner, Society for Natural Therapists & Researchers

Registration No: SNTR-A1297 KP/22

  • Nationally Recognised Nutritionist - Sports Nutrition Advisor, Nutrition Council of Australia

Certification No: VC3577

University Education

Honours Bachelor - BA(Hons)ORPT -  Outdoor Recreation Parks & Tourism, Lakehead Unversity, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Graduate Certificate  - GCertHumNutr - Human Nutrition Science, Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Masters - MEd - Education (Nutrition), University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia 

Do you provide any culinary or cooking skills education?

Yes! A fundamental component of lasting dietary change is supporting kitchen skills. It allows you to prepare the food you like and decreases the time and stress that can come with cooking. 

I provide all of my clients with additional educational materials designed to meet their specific needs. These tools include culinary skills and cooking demos.

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Why Adventure Nutrition

Hi! My name is Kris, and I'm a Nutritionist, coach, educator, and lifelong outdoor adventurer. 

At the time of this photo, I led a 30-day multi-disciplinary expedition, including on the second highest point in mainland Australia, Mount Townsend, in the Great Dividing Range in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW. 

At that point in my career, I had planned, prepared, and packed food for thousands of hikers, canoers, climbers, and campers. In hindsight, while I was a qualified and experienced outdoor instructor and educator, I knew little about supporting my body with food and nutrition during prolonged and physically demanding activities. I knew the basics, which was enough at the time. 

It wasn't. 

During this 30-day multi-disciplinary course, I lost 5 kg (11 lbs), and by the end of the season, I'd lost another 3 kg. 

Often we hear exercise associated with weight loss goals, but this was a perfect example of how weight loss is not always healthy or in support of fitness goals. I  lost a significant amount of muscle and strength. 

When distance hiking, walking, or other endurance or challenge events, it's necessary to be adequately fueled nutritionally, or you risk losing a lot of muscle in addition to body fat. 

So while in some respects I was in the best shape of my life, I was losing muscle mass. I also lost too much body fat, which led to physical health and hormonal issues. 

Rapid weight loss from hiking and endurance activities disrupts performance and delays recovery. It can cause loss of muscle mass and fat stores, as well as energy issues from not being properly fueled. It also increases susceptibility to injury.  

As it did for me. Over my career as an outdoor educator, I saw colleague after colleague leaving the profession due to injury. 

The physical demands of hiking, paddling, walking, lifting, and carrying a heavy pack broke everyone down over time. As professionals, we focused a lot on the physical aspects of how to prevent injury. But very little on nutrition beyond the basics of supporting energy requirements. 

It was not until many years later, when I returned to university to study nutrition education and human nutrition science did I uncover the truth: outdoor adventure in all forms is fueled by the food we put in our bodies. A further hard truth to accept is that a strength and conditioning program will only be effective with the nutrition and dietary requirements to support it. To get the most out of all other training, performance, and recovery goals, these plans must be supported by nutrition. 

And that nutrition needs to be personalised to meet the unique and specific needs of the individual.

That's you.

If you would like to learn more about how personalised nutrition might be what you're looking for to support your next adventure, book a 30 minute initial consultation. It's free and there is no  obligation  to continue. But it is the best way to see if working with a Nutritionist is the right fit for you. 


Kristine Peter, Adventure Nutritionist

Kristine started her career in Canadian summer camps as an out-trip leader, program coordinator, and alpine ski instructor in the off-season. While studying her undergrad Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, she worked in several outdoor education centres in Canada and the USA. These roles involved planning, instructing, and coordinating multi-day hiking, canoeing, cycling, climbing, and other multidisciplinary trips. 

Throughout her career, Kristine has planned, packed, and facilitated meals for thousands of participants on multi-day hiking, canoe, and cycling adventures. While working as an outdoor instructor and educator for Outward Bound Canada, Kristine had the opportunity to come to Australia and work with Outward Bound.  

After leaving OBA, Kristine attended UWA to study for a master's degree in education, specialising in nutrition. She has worked in Perth's not-for-profit sector, supporting individuals and organisations to create more inclusive environments and lasting healthy lifestyle changes. 

Kristine returned to university, studying at Deakin to become a Nutritionist. Her passion is to provide personalised support for individuals who have food, nutrition, and athletic goals and are looking for help to address their unique and individual needs.  

Kristine Peter, ANutr, NRN, BA(Hons), GCertHumNutr, MEd
Nutritionist and Natural Therapy Practioniare 

Primary Qualifications:

  • ANutr: Registered Associate Nutritionist, Nutrition Society of Australia
  • NRN: Nationally Recognised Nutritionist & Sports Nutrition Advisor
  • BA(Hons): Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, Lakehead University
  • GCertHumNutr: Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition, Deakin University 
  • MEd: Masters of Education (Nutrition), University of Western Australia 

  • Registrations:

  • Accredited Nutritionist & Senior Fellow, Membership and Accreditation for Natural Medicine and Natural Therapies Practitioner: Society for Natural Therapists & Researchers
  • Registered Associate Nutritionist & Ordinary Member: Nutrition Society of Australia
  • Nationally Recognised Nutritionist - Sports Nutrition Advisor: Nutrition Council of Australia

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